We have implemented the world GLOBALGAP standard in all of our estates and storage facilities. Its scope covers all of our products (strawberries, raspberries, blueberries and blackberries) and all of our processes. It is a standard covering good agricultural practices for the purposes of food safety and environmental protection.


Another standard that we have implemented is GRASP (GLOBALGAP Risk Assessment on Social Practices), a voluntary and complementary module of GLOBALGAP. This standard evaluates the social practices of operations, tackling specific topics relating to health, safety and the welfare of employees and focusing on important topics such as employee representation, legal employment rights, contracts, wages, salaries, rights of minors and working hours.


We have also implemented the BRC standard in our storage facilities. This is a global food safety protocol designed to guarantee food health.


We are in the process of renewing the ZERYA certificate. This is a private quality trademark that seeks to guarantee the production of residue-free end products through a sustainable production system that is environmentally-friendly.


Another standard that we have implemented is that of Integrated Production of Andalusia, solely for strawberries and for our fruit and vegetable centre. This is another standard to ensure good agricultural practices designed to obtain fruit through sustainable agriculture, with biological and chemical pest and disease control methods, while also seeking to protect the environment.



We have signed agreements or contracts with the following bodies or companies to dispose of and manage the waste generated by our activity:



A non-profit company that manages empty packaging of plant-protection and fertiliser products under the Sigfito system. In 2016 we were awarded a distinction by Sigfito for the number of years and volume of empty plant-protection product packaging that we have been correctly managing through them.



A non-profit company created to collect and manage empty packaging of plant-protection and fertiliser products.


Gestión Residuos Huelva, S.L. (GRH)

A company we have contracted for the services of disposing of and correctly managing other hazardous waste such as oil and filters, water with hydrocarbons, expired plant-protection products, absorbent material and rags, fluorescent tubes, etc.


Other non-hazardous waste that our activity generates such as agricultural plastic, wood, card, plastic boxes, bags, etc. is collected and correctly managed by various certified companies.





Together with other local producers and the local group Ecologistas en Acción-Bonares (Environmentalists in Action-Bonares), we are developing a project that involves planting native plant species as hedgerows on our estates.


We have implemented the project known as GOS (Operational Group for the Replacement of PPPs in stone fruit, berries and dessert grapes). This is a supra-regional group (Asaja Murcia, Zaragoza University, Zerya Producciones sin Residuos, S.L., Acopaex, Asociación Escuela de Negocios del Pirineo, etc.), that is seeking financing as part of the National Rural Development Programme framework, financed by the Spanish Ministry for Agriculture, Fisheries, Food and the Environment (Mapama) and the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (Feader). Its objective is to establish programmes to replace Plant Protection Products (PPPs) cited in the replacement list issued by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) in 2015, due to their level of persistence or potential harmfulness to the environment or to human health.